Thursday, November 20, 2014

Mid Afternoon

Mid Afternoon  11/20/2014 

Others have seen
And many more have known
What it’s like to be dragged
Through the mouth of hell.  

To see the good chewed up
By shot, cannon, and canister
And grotesquely splayed
Dead on the ground. 

They remember the struggle
The boredom and the horror
Of highs and lows
Seldom seen by man. 

They stare vacant
And try to forget
But we who have inherited the treasure
Laugh and throw it away. 

We live, work, and commute
Unknowing and unconscious
Pretending that our energies matter
And our goals important. 

But what do we really have
Nothing but a mirage
Of an imagined future
Always out of reach
And shimmering in the distance. 

We do one thing
And then we do another
Chasing after rainbows
And tilting at windmills.

It would be tragic
If it wasn’t so very sad
That we fling ourselves against a wall
Until we are bloody, bruised,
And dead. 

In the meantime
I have those I love
But even they can be taken
As we all grow old
And grow apart. 

What is life without meaning?
And what is survival?
Without philosophy and creativity
Nothing but breathing and eating
Breeding and dying. 

The freedom to define
And the freedom to choose
And without fear. 

If it comes from man
He can give it
Or take it away
But the good should remember
That all of it,
Comes from God. 

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