Friday, November 21, 2014


Telescopic  11/21/2014

I can feel the eyes upon me
As I walk to work
Nothing but dead reflections
Of inner hatred.

Life in the cross hairs
Is not easy
And its not fun
But that is life
For the honest
And the aware.

It’s okay to be nervous
But its better
To be alert
When you owe more than you have
And are targeted every day.   

It’s not about what is fair
But only about who is hated
Because nothing is new
Under this dead sun.  

Walking like a target
As you head down the street
Glancing to the side
And spinning around. 

Watching from the shadows
Following your every move
Unable to create
But only to destroy.  

Now is the time of danger
When evil always strikes
Over confident, unhinged,
Hateful and deadly. 

They flash their teeth
And lick their lips
Waiting for the fireworks to start
Attacking only the most vulnerable
And unprotected. 

This is their time
And this is their world
But it shall also collapse
And consume itself. 

Maybe its time
To speak the truth
And unashamed. 

And maybe today is a good day
To talk to your kids
About what is truly fair
And what is not. 

The onslaught comes
And it’s every man for himself
As every enemy plots
And every friend fears. 

Mass movement
And mass confusion
Is always a recipe
For disaster
And destruction.

Now is no different
And only a fool
Will think it’s right
As the last bastions fall
One after another. 

No one is immune
And no one is safe
Especially those who plot evil
With murder in their hearts.

They have murdered many
And they shall murder more
But all will come to nothing
In less than an hour. 

See the fire
From afar
Rising up in a column
Closer and closer
And pulsing like the sun.

Sooner rather than later
All of this will come undone
As all of us gather
Ghosts, poets and all.  

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