Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Aberrant  11/4/2014

Perhaps its accidental
Or perhaps it’s something else
That we each unique 
And one of a kind. 

We are constructed in darkness
From pieces 
Too small to see
And we remain a mystery 
Even to ourselves.   

We remember in part
But God has keeps many secrets
Protecting us
Until all of it,
Is done.

I was drunk
And I was stoned
Dead unto myself
And a waste unto the world.

I sat at a table
And let my mind drift
Watching people disappear
Coming and going
For God knows what.

My friend left for the bathroom
But I knew what he was doing
As awareness returned
With dread and pain.

We are afraid of reality
And what we might find
But it hurts less, than we think
Because nothing hurts more 
Than running away.

But no matter how far you run 
The nightmares return 
And what worked once 
Is not enough now 
As the guilt and fear
Drive you insane. 

Something happened
And I am not the same person
That I was then
As an invisible switch
Flicked on in the night. 

There is no explanation
And we all remain
One step away from oblivion
Fragile on the outside
And indestructible within.  

So there must be reason
For this slippery moment
As it squirms and wiggles
Out of our hands. 

We can try and forget
But in the end
It is impossible
As it burns a pathway
Across our brains.

The experiences and memories 
Are apart of me
And I have become a part of them
Each one a part of the whole
Living for each other
In an organism
We cannot control. 

Everybody is looking for something
And they might be looking for you
Crawling like spiders
In and out 
And everywhere.

Some men seek to protect
But others seek to control
No matter who it hurts
Without a conscience
And without a soul. 

But for us
It’s not about being better
And it’s not about being worse
But all about standing apart
And living beyond. 

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