Thursday, November 6, 2014


Trickle Trickle  11/6/2014

There is always somebody
Who will light the fuse
So full of themselves
That they never learn
Or grow. 

A good man will compromise
And question himself
But evil only hates
And destroys.

It’s easy to spot
And difficult to miss
But sometimes they hide themselves
Behind the naive
And the foolish. 

Hiding their true form
Until it’s too late
And they are close enough
To strike
From below or behind. 

Slippery slime is hard to hold
And it oozes between your fingers
Dripping on the floor
Disassembling in order to escape
Only to assemble again. 

They circle the wagons
And will say anything to survive
All they while stalling for time
As ignorance spreads
Like germs.

For them, there is no logic
And there is no reason
Only a deep and vile hatred
Bubbling and seething. 

The math will  always equal
What they want
And the sum is meaningless
To the putrid
And the vile.

Slithering around their belly
All they desire is power
By any means necessary
Including extortion and murder.

But nothing lasts forever
And neither will they
Just dead men
Covered with skin. 

Even now they meet
And form the circle
Calculating subterfuge,
Misery, and invasion. 

The fury will be spent
And the tide shall come
But even this,
Is already over
Predicted, filed, and done.  

Betrayal is not new
And murder is as old as man
Born of jealousy
Over innocence
And light. 

The prophets were murdered
But how many were silenced
Over threat?
Buried by time
Obedient and cowed.

Appearance can deceive
But the truth exposes all
When the covers are ripped off
What will God find?

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