Friday, November 7, 2014


Revulsion 11/7/2014 

Eleven seven fourteen
The paradox is open
And there is no shutting it now
Spreading like a wildfire
And mutating like a virus.

A phony war
And a phony flag
All made up for show
But only a fool can deny
What everyone should know. 

But the truth is in the folds
Perfectly creased
Because that is what its for
To chew up the good
All boxed up and sold.

Staged like a vignette
And lighted on cue
Because its all about image
And never about the truth. 
Murder, assault, and rape
Because the horror is here
Boiling and bubbling over,

The medics weep
At what they see
As torture and death
Explode across the land.

Evil has come
But its time is short
So it must spend its fury
In every way it can. 

Today I work
And tonight I go home
To hold my family close
And love them
With all my strength. 

Now is a time to pray
And do so with all your heart
Asking for provision, protection,
And grace.   

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