Monday, November 10, 2014

Hand over Hand 11/10/2014

Hand over Hand 11/10/2014

There are things
We still cannot grasp
Such as the mystery  
Of Birth, life, and death. 

What secrets others keep
Remain as riddles
That we have to decipher
After the fact. 

In the deepest black
Much is known
But we remain in the dark
And manipulated by fear.

Others play games
With life and death
Moving us, across a chessboard
Without a thought or care.

But they squander the gift
And are destined to lose
Defeated by an unseen hand
Swift and silent.

Point by point
The cruel rule the day
Methodically attacking
All who they hate.

Pounding the nails
And digging the ditch
In hopes of persecution
And genocide.

But it is they who will perish
And leave nothing behind
The same thing that always was
Before and after.

The cat in the box
Lives and dies
But so also do we
In another place and time.   

I reach out my hands
And pull myself back
Following the silver chord backwards
Hand over hand. 

The crown belongs to the worthy
And life is for the living
A gift for the good
Regardless of loss. 

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