Friday, September 19, 2014


Sheepish 9/19/2014

I wrote and I wrote
But then in an instant
It was gone
Lost but to God
My thoughts and my time.

We are born
And then we die
But only a few
Every break free.

We learn
To take the test
And we to dream  
In incremental degrees.

We meet about meetings
And endlessly speculate
Rehashing the most meaningless of concepts
Over and over again. 

It’s all about the measurement
And useless proof of worth
As we fall all over ourselves
Just to prove we exist
And did more than yesterday.    

Critical thinking has no value
And individuality to them
Is nothing but a curse
As they seek the willing
And the moderately able. 

Like docile lambs
We are given food and water
Along with enough entertainment
To keep us distracted
And Inside the fence. 

We are not supposed to notice
That some of us are taken
Sacrificed to the little gods
Of gold and power. 

The herd is manufactured
So we all, follow along
On our way to somewhere
That we are not supposed to notice.

Outside there is reality
But it takes courage to find it
The inevitable end
Cold, cruel and deadly. 

Growing like a cancer
All around you and I
The deadly constricting coils
Wrapped around our neck. 

We are kept afloat
Just to serve our purpose
Nothing but  a machine
For food or fodder.

But I am not buying it
And neither should you
As we finally learn
To jump the fence.  

Do not fear a dragon
Because it will swallow its tail
Unable to grasp
Anything but the obvious
And incrementally dumb. 

And fear not the wolf
Because he only knows to hunt
Relying on his nose
And fear.  

Fall is coming
And so also, come the changes
As the cool crisp breeze
Fills our nostrils
With the scent of leaves. 

We pass through the shadows
As we tilt away
Obscured from the light
For just a small amount of time. 

Spinning sideways we travel
All around the sun
On a journey to eternity
Close enough to touch.   

Hold on to me
As I hold on to you
As we pass through the darkness
One inch at a time.

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