Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Walking the Trench

Walking the Trench 9/24/2014

I dreamed of a harvest 
That never came to be
And was blindsided by a future
I could have never predicted.

When everything was lost
I thought that I would die
As the rug was pulled out
And all the lights turned off. 

Words cannot describe
What it felt like
As I stared into the black
Hopeless and alone. 

I had been leaning on others 
With all of my weight
As I stood on their shoulders
For every worry and decision.  

I was loved by many
But I failed to act in return
Day dreaming my way
Through numberless afternoons. 

When it hit
I had nowhere to stand
So I felt myself falling
For what it seemed,
Like forever. 

But it’s always easier to fall
Than it is to rise
As I learned to walk
All over again.  

Taking one step
And then losing two
As set back after set back
Filled my legs with lead.

We learn and we know
But still we react
And tilt at windmills
Just as dumb as we were
Foolish and ashamed. 

Time has passed
And I will never,
Know it all
As I have worn a ditch
Walking around this mountain. 

But thank God we know
And thank God I have learned
To be happy in the present
No matter what,
It may bring.  

We strive towards the goal
In want 
And in plenty 
To remain the same
Faithful and strong.  

Now we stand together
Hand in hand
And heart within heart
Learning and leaning
On the grace of God. 

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