Thursday, September 25, 2014

Diamond Eyes

Diamond Eyes 9/25/2014

It is sad
But also predictable
That you can see what will happen
From a million miles away.

As old as man
And as old as sin
That we often destroy
What is good
And pure.

Are we prepared
To stare at the end?
At the dead eyes of murder
And unfathomable hatred. 

It spasms everywhere
In an orgy of blood
Lurking in doorways
And watching your every move. 

It is in the office mate
Who covets beauty and money
And it is also in the murderer
Insecure and jealous.

I saw the pictures
And I see the end
Fake,  dumb, and predictable
Insincere and shallow.  

But isn’t that the world
Rotten on the inside
Like a corpse encrusted with diamonds
Suffocating the living  
With promises and lies. 

Hidden in plain sight
The deepest motives of man
Deeper than deep
And blacker than black.

Sometimes it hurts
But that is no surprise
As we have no choice
But to keep on going
Spinning sideways around the sun.

You might hear one thing
Or you might hear another
But words are only words
When they are designed to deceive.

Desperate people
Do desperate things
And they will say anything
To get what they want
Or keep what they have.

A wise man
Never lets down his guard
Careful not to become complacent
Anytime or anywhere.

This is the phony war
And this is age of deception
A peaceful eye of the storm
Before it strikes again. 

But he who
Plants his feet upon the rock
Will not be moved
Immortal and determined. 

Set your eyes
Dead level
And remember this  truth
That he who does what is right
Will never die.  

Vindication will come
Like a tsunami
And nothing shall stand before it
Except what is true. 

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