Thursday, September 18, 2014

Head Rot

Head Rot 9/18/2014

Time is precious
When it’s almost gone
As the sands speed up
On their way out
And on their way down.    

What took so long to build
Falls in a day
Because inside it had all rotted
Hidden from view.  

The water warms up
Before it boils
And the heart can speed up
Before it stops. 

Someone left the door open
And someone made a mistake
But the same dumb thing
A million times over
Can destroy anything

It’s more than sad
That horror meets us halfway
As many fall victim
To random murder. 

Evil has taken hold
In countless ways
Burrowing in
Like a worm in the brain. 

Others may try and explain
And by far the worst
Will make excuses
As if evil, is any less evil
In a world gone insane. 

The picture is painted
And all the players are set
Entering and exiting
Just like you knew they would. 

We hold on by our fingernails
But nobody can hold on forever
And as we slip
The cover unravels
And all bets are off. 

Love who you love
Even if it’s too late
And look both ways
Every time you leave. 

There is always something
Worth praying for
And there are many who wait
To see what,
We will do.

Blessings come at all times
And it is now
That I remember to smile
For my prayers are for them
For you and for me. 

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