Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sea Foam

Sea foam 9/4/2014

Rare as diamond
In an endless surge of seashells
Is the sparkling beauty
Of the real
And the genuine. 

If I had a way
I would tell you
And explain what this means
And why we are here.

But there are things
That none of us can know
Much less describe
At least not for now.     

Mysterious surrounds us
As we are knit, in the womb
Perfectly sewn together in darkness
Each one of us different
And of incalculable value.  

I paddled out,
Past the breakers
Where the waves start to swell
Curling over themselves
In green and white swirls.   

The frothy white foam
Carries my daughter
And she rides it
Nearly all the way to shore
Laughing at the thrill.

Life is hard
But it is also beautiful
As we hold a treasure in our hands
That only we,
Can understand.

An eternal spirit 
And the human heart
Complicated, Fragile,
Terrifying, and sublime. 

Now I know
And now I see
As I hold all that is dear
Right here
Right now.  

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