Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Turnings 9/3/2014 

Last night
While I was sleeping
Something turned
And something changed.

The planets spun
And the earth turned
Rolling over on itself
On yet another journey
All around the sun. 

Minutes become hours
And hours become years
While we all wait for something
That may never come. 

Sometimes it weighs on your mind
Heavy and suffocating
But others times
It is light and euphoric.

But either way
We survive
And force ourselves
Out of bed.

Yes there are days
When we feel like giving up
And that is just as normal
As breathing and yawning.  

Dread comes
And tugs us backwards
Pulling us down
Inside of our heads.

But there is more than one way
To rise and to live
And there is more than one way
To start all over again. 

I am not where
I thought I would be
But neither is anyone else
And that will never change.    

We are tossed about
Like a boat on a stormy sea
Foundering in the swells
And filling with water. 

And it can all seem fruitless
As we keep bailing water
Because of the inevitable end
Of drowning and death.  

But even in desperation
We are loved
And even in death
We are saved.  

As each day we are given
Just enough to survive
For a purpose far greater
Than comfort or ease.

Sometimes words are not enough
But sometimes that is all we have
As we learn to cling to God
After everything else is gone. 

Time heals all wounds
But love endures
Bigger than our faults
And larger than our fears.

Life hurts
And even though we try
We slip and fall backwards
All over again.    

Patience is hard
But faith provides
As we grow inwards
And become who we are. 

Over time
Our vision may fade
But we see with more than eyes
And grow wise with perspective.

Yes this world is fallen
But we can still rise
Embracing what we have
And appreciating the tiniest of victories. 

Grace will sustain the good
Even in hardship
And no matter what may come
This love lasts forever.   

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