Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Charnel House

The Charnel House 9/24/2014

If you can’t see an elephant
Then you are blind and dumb
But deep down each can see the truth
Unless they don’t have a soul.

We can talk all day
But it doesn’t mean a thing
If we are unwilling to speak the truth
And change what is wrong. 

Heads roll
And the fires burn
But you have to look inside
To see from where it comes. 

I have drawn the lines backwards
And all them find their mark
As one thing leads to another
Each worse than than the next. 

Some men lie for money
And some kill for fun
But deep down,
Some make monsters
To do it all for free.

One hand or the other
Each work in circles
Each leading the other
Off the same old cliff. 

One may be faster
But the destination is the same
As run over each other
On our way to the end. 

They say, that there is no evil
But I have seen it face to face
And there is no evil, without good
A choice and a God. 

The world is a charnel house
And the meat grinder churns
As we make our way through fences
On our way to the fire.

Come quickly
And save the sheep
Wandered far
And bleating.  

Gather us 
And save us from evil
Once lost 
But forever loved.  

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