Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Digging Down

Digging Down 9/23/2014

Dead dark deep 
We remember 
Those left behind
Forgotten in the haste
To escape and lie. 

But the blood remains fresh
And calls out for vengeance
The kind no man can measure
And the kind
No man can give. 

Communicating in dreams
Just beyond our touch
The reality of eternity
Closer than we think.

Once they, were also loved
And once they were also held
Rescued and retrieved
At any cost.

But now the lost sheep  
Are devoured
And murdered
Their names unmentionable
And the circumstances, suppressed.

Unknown and unhonored 
Belittled and besmirched
While the evil are idolized
With mindless adoration. 

The future is here
And it is cruel and ugly
Violently lashing out
At everything it hates.  

Irrational, disease,
Opportunistic, and deadly
Let loose to destroy,
And multiply. 

How many will it take?
To wake us from our slumber
And how long can we wait?
Until it’s too late. 

Evil is here, among us
Whenever we give in
Cinching the noose tighter
Until we are dead. 

But no one loves the truth
Until they have suffered lies
And no one can ever live
Until they have given their all.

Everything that was
Shall be again
And everything that is
Has happened before. 

We await the return
And hold on,
With all our might
Standing for the life
No man can take. 

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