Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Should remember to edit, my last one was all run together and did not come out right.   I did not notice until today.    Will rewrite "anonymous" one of these days.   

Dark 9/2/2014

Some people ride in a cattle car
On their way to the end
While others kneel in a ditch
And whisper one last prayer.

You can bet on stupidity
And set your watch
To catastrophe
All because some are just as complacent
As others are cruel.

The hatchet is raised
And we don’t do a thing
Hoping against hope
That everyone’s the same. 

But it should be no surprise 
To the few who know
That some are twice as cruel
As others are naive. 

It enough to make you sick
And double over in pain
The folly of the crude
And certifiably insane. 

For lack of imagination
The world is beige on beige
As we march on foolishly
Heads to the ground.

A bandage won’t help an earth quake
And all the money in the world
Can’t fix the foolish
Or the damned. 

The beast rests in the ditch
And waits for a chance
To suicide themselves
On a highway of death.

But we also are the meat
Offered up as fuel
Self-sacrificing munitions
Useful and dead. 

The smoke curls up
And burns in my nostrils
As we face down another day
Without asking
Or knowing.

After the sun
There is nothing but black
And after the end
There is nothing but light.   

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