Monday, September 15, 2014


Rouge 9/15/2014

Anything you want
And anything you ask
We become ourselves
Through thought
And imagination. 

The past is broken off
With a hammer
Or a chisel
As the modern seeks to dominate
A past, he can’t control. 

We are molded by events
And our own random curiosity
As we search the past
And experience the present.  

I fire myself into the dark
Every day, that I wake up
Fumbling through a reality
Of mindless waste.

My heart is elsewhere
And so is my mind
As I search my soul
For truth and meaning. 

I am not alone
And I never was
Even when I felt it
In shadows of death.

He who is dead
Can live
And he who lives
Can be
Dead in his dreams.

Others curl up
And bleed through their eyes
In fevered desperation
Diseased and liquefied.

Rods explode through the heavens
In a diffusion of light
From east to west
And west to east. 

The threads are pulled
And everything is unraveled
Exposing the truth
Twisted and cruel.

The earth opens up
And spits out the secrets
Buried deep
And long forgotten.  

Avenging angles turn their heads
Backwards downwards
To the left and back
With a furious brow
And tensing neck. 

In the end
We return
And so does everything else
Waiting for God
To make us new. 

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