Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Landscape 9/17/2014
A picture can make you cry
And a memory can double you over
Worse than a gunshot
And much harder to heal. 

Life is hard
And many are those
Who have followed the call of death
Off the top of buildings
Or hung from a cord.

The fix is in
And deep down
You can feel it
In the hopelessness of trying
When all of it
Is wasted.

Now as I type
Zombies stumble
Bleeding through their eyelids
In a fevered horror
Sickening and real. 

The good are shouted down
But the more they give in
The more that we lose
All because they fear losing
What none of us
Can ever keep. 

Who will it be
That can stand the abuse
Without the safety of acceptance
Or the bribe of livelihood.

Every day
The onslaught continues
As the ignorance mounts
In the midst of the mob.   

Everything infected
And everyone corrupted
All because
They have something to lose. 

But what I loved
I could not keep
No matter how tight we cling
All is dust
And snapshots in our mind. 

The music drones on
Useless, dumb and violent
While the dogs run
Snarling at mirrors
And chewing their tail. 

Every institution
And every ideal 
All collapse into ruins
Under the heavy hand
of politics and compromise. 

The debris is everywhere
And we run through it every day
A broken field to walk
Or better yet to run. 

The story is falling apart
Because it was never true at all
And it should leave us all thinking
About all that we believed. 

Look inside yourself
And stare at the truth
Because many will abandon the truth
For just a few dollars more. 

The picture is painted
But that is all it is
Created like a straw man
To burn in a barrel. 

Let them
Who have courage
Look a little deeper
Now more than ever
Awake and alert.

The truth is uncovered
And soon we will see
The day that all must awake
Or sleep in darkness forever.   

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