Friday, September 5, 2014

Tether Ball

Tether Ball 9/5/2014

In our dreams
We travel through time
But when we awake
We are right back at home.

We see things
And we remember things
As we reconcile old regrets
And visit forgotten places.

Traveling through time and space
We visit the possible
And glimpse the unlikely
So immediate and so real
Yet transparent and illusory. 

We find what we lost
And we talk to the dead
Finding truth
And listening to God.

There is more unseen
Then there is seen
And there is more unknown
Than what we think. 

We move through the day
And spend all our efforts
Struggling to survive,
Acquire, and escape.

But in the end
We are trapped
Held fast by the chains
We ourselves have forged.

It’s not easy to let go
Of the safe or the familiar
And that is why we stay
Tethered and angry. 

Inwards we steam
But outwards we are meek
Putting out our hands
For bread and for milk. 

But what we long for
Cannot be attained sitting down
And what we need
Is different
Than what we want. 

If you think
Then you must decide
The truth or the lie
Because one is everywhere
And the other is a horror.

I looked upwards
And I saw the gigantic white bird
Majestic, peaceful
Protective, and graceful.

And then I saw two more
One strong and the other wounded
High above my head
And then I knew
And know. 

Time trickles away
But the spark grows stronger
Calling us back together
Inseparable and eternal.

God is everywhere
And even in death
All the good live
Inside, outside
And growing stronger. 

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