Friday, September 12, 2014

Dirt Simple

Dirt Simple 9/12/2014

Fiction can be a hoot
But the truth is a horror
Irrational, cruel,
Unhinged and deadly.

You can always buy
What someone else is selling
Or you can sift the dirt
And find out for yourself.

And all around
In a million different ways
Every single moment
And every single day.

If you can’t tell the truth
Then you have no freedom
And if you try to do what is right
Then you will be the hated. 

The sacrifices are made
Every single hour
Even if we did not hear
And no one said a word. 

You can count on this
That the worst men are worshiped
Just like the little gods of old
Now cast in resin. 

Take a number
And wait your turn
As we nod our heads in agreement
Dumb and afraid. 

Bu, if  you are awake
Then maybe you can know
That all of this
That we were fed
Was nothing but a lie.     

Let others contort themselves
To conjure up a story
Desperately trying to preserve
The same old distortions.

But if you want more
Then you had better pay attention
Separating yourself
From what is wrong. 

Even the insane
Have a plan
And even demons
Know God. 

But if they know
Then there are no accidents
Because even a guess
Is sometimes right. 

But this also  
Is no accident
As we were brought forth
To see
And to witness. 

The bones call out
From deep within a cave
The secret of deep memory
Fresh and green. 

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