Thursday, September 11, 2014


Back to writing again,

Waiting 9/11/2014  

I turn around backwards
And look at myself
Staring through a pinhole
Dumb and unaware.

With the distance of time
It hurts even more
As I see the folly
And the waste. 

Knowing is not enough
But it is all I have
And so I push on through
And see where it goes.

Like a fish hook through a finger
With the barb embedded
Halfway through
There is no pulling back
But only pushing through. 

Life hurts
And the damage is done
As we either learn to endure
Or die along the way.

I am empty
And I have nothing left
All alone and forgotten
Rejected and wounded.

People talk around me
And I can hear their voices
Phony, fake, foolish, and dumb
Nothing but words
To get through the day.

They say what they must
Just to buy time
Long enough to fool the foolish
And do what they will. 

Soon it will be done
And the worst is yet to come
As the last numbers are counted
One two three and done. 

Evil is patient
And evil waits
Giving just enough
To mestastize and grow. 

Hiding the truth
And misleading the dumb
With a fake plan
Of empty words. 

It’s not about who they love
But only about who they hate
As they seek to limit
Reduce and kill. 

Someone somewhere waits
And there waiting
Is almost over
As the months become weeks
And the weeks become days. 

I have seen them
And they have seen me
Their dull eyes full of hatred
And jealousy. 

They see the world
In a zero sum solution
And hope for attrition
To kill off what remains. 

But it is their world
That is dying
And it is their evil
That rots.  

Space and time
Also end
And collapse backwards
Because it has already happened
In a blink of an eye. 

Zero point is here
As we head into the tunnel
Passing through the eye
Unseen and invisible. 

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