Friday, August 29, 2014


Anonymous  8/29/2014

Some people
Want to be desired
But others have learned
What it is
And what it’s not.  

Cool isn’t cool
If it robs you of freedom
And what is life worth
If you have to lie.

If you remember the feeling
Of cruel rejection
Then you know
You can survive anything
And anywhere.  

We live until we die
So why do we run
When all we had to do
Was go through. 

The world is tiresome
And who hasn’t heard this all before
That many have given up
When they should have stayed.

No one may give a warning
And good advice is hard to find
But no one ever said
That it would be easy
This, them, and that.

If we never stretch
Then we contract
And he who is safe
Will never grow at all. 

It me the longest time
To learn that I didn’t matter
And that my dreams were wasted
Useless and dumb. 

And that it was useless
To let that hurt me
Because none of it
Was about me anyway. 

The things I wanted
I didn’t understand
And the pain that I felt
Was that of a child
Learning to be a man. 

No one will ever tell you
What it means
To really become
Instead the

It me the longest time
To learn that I didn’t matter
And that my dreams were wasted
Useless and dumb. 

And that it was useless
To let that hurt me
Because none of it
Was about me anyway. 

The things I wanted
I didn’t understand
And the pain that I felt
Was that of a child
Learning to be a man. 

No one will ever tell you
What it means
To really become
Instead they will tell you
To achieve and acquire
As if power is something
You can ever earn or keep.

We waste our lives
Trying to be God
Instead of letting God
Show us why. 

I never knew enough to ask
And I never felt worthy
Even though I tried
And even though I raged.

I was angry at the world
But it was of no use
Because all the emotion in the world
Cannot change what is wrong.  

I don’t display pictures
And I don’t advertise my name
Because now that I know
I can finally understand. 

Nothing is lost
And everything is here
Yes even the dead
And even the lost. 

All of it
Will be retrieved
And all of them
Will live again. 

It doesn’t matter
If anyone knows
And if only one ever understands
Then it will have to be enough. 

Read on
And think
Remembering that today
Everything is new
And everything is alive.  

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