Friday, May 30, 2014


Star flake 5/30/2014

Today I am impatient
Because nothing ever changes
As I remain surrounded
By the predictable
And the simple. 

It is amazing how they posture
And ridiculous how they fight
Throwing out everything they got
For a chance at a title
Or a few dollars more.

Is that what, this is all about?
Empty victories
And false statuses
As we make up titles
That are not needed at all. 

Nothing real has changed
And what is of value remains
Whether its recognized or not
But that is how it works
And that is how it feels.

God it hurt
And I cried out in pain
Moaning at the loss
Cutting me in half.

Doubling me over
And cutting off my air
As my throat tightened
And swelled shut. 

If words could have healed me
Then I would have said them
And if a sacrifice had been enough
I would have cut off my arm. 

But nothing I could have done
Could have changed what happened
At least not with what I knew then
Versus what I know now.  

Perhaps I should feel like a loser
Worthless and lowly
As others constantly remind me
That they have won
And I have lost. 

But still I wonder
What kind of man
Would do that?
But we already have the answer
Even if
We dare not speak.

Well if they wanted to hurt
Then I can agree
Because I am wounded
And I am lowly. 

Wounds can heal
And humility is good
Far better than arrogance
And false pride. 

I wish I had an answer
And I wish that I could help
But some things are just too great
For anyone to change.

There is a defect
And there is a problem
Something wrong in the soul
Damaged and incomplete.

They can think, I am trash
And they can think, I am worthless
Just another nuisance
To be dismissed
And chased away. 

But that is the lesson
And that is the journey
As I learn to grow accustomed
With adversity and sacrifice.

There is no way out
But only through
As we either learn
Or suffer forever.

It’s not easy
And there are still days  
That I hang my head
And wish
No one could see me.

But even those moments
Have a purpose
If you flip them over
And see the other side.

Yes I am different
And so also are you
But always remember
That the pain is a sign
And the longing a clue.

Then and only then
We can understand
That we are all like star flakes
Floating through space.

Each one a unique design
Created on purpose
For bouncing off each other
And falling into place. 


Godspeed 5/30/2014

Some roads, really are less traveled
And some songs
Never get played
However that doesn’t mean
That they’re not good.

There are countless stories
That will never make the news
But that doesn’t mean
That we shouldn’t know
And that doesn’t mean
That they’re not true.

If the truth is forbidden
Then it should make you think
Because not all perceived events
Are equal
And some are far worse.

Humility is good
And altruism makes us try
But not everyone believes the same
Or wants, what is best.

Some seethe with resentment
And others burn with jealousy
But without individuality and creativity
All poetry is pointless
And all philosophy dead.

Slam me around
However you may want
But let these words be a warning
And let them burn straight through.

Let them streak across the sky
And burn like gasoline
Searing in our brains
A cold and indelible truth. 

This damn will break
No matter how many thumbs
Are added
And the truth will flow through
In a gigantic wall of water.

Nothing is forever
Except for God
With him, we will survive
And learn to understand. 

God’s justice is better
Perfect and complete
Much better than what passes
In the here and now. 

Let it be
And let it come
For blessing and punishment
Everlasting and justified.  

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Poets Breakfast

The Poets Breakfast 5/29/2014

Summer has a stillness
That weighs on the mind
Like a hot wet blanket
Tented on your head.

Nothing lasts
But long goodbyes
Can take forever
As we watch the world die
And another
About to be born. 

I am not the only one
Who is tired
And I am not the only one
Bored as hell. 

Because nothing is more obvious
And nothing more transparent
Than the dumb leading the blind
And the foolish
Wallowing in hatred.

That is the only thing
That all of us can trust
When nothing else
We see or hear
Is anything, close to the truth. 

Unhinged and off its axis
The world wobbles and shakes
As we steer without our hands
And let evil take control.   

If I could, I would go backwards
And try it all over again
But what good is dreaming
When you know
They can’t come true.  

Food is fuel
And water is life
But either way
Our bodies cry out
For something real
And something more.

Things look different
When they are upside down
And it is wise to consider
Our own motives and views. 

It wasn’t easy then
And it’s not easy now
The uphill fight
And the long road home. 

Sarcasm never worked
And depression
Just drags you down
But telling the truth matters
And always will. 

Life hurts
But that is not an excuse
Because creativity
Can help us escape
If only we knew
Who to ask. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Boiling Point

 Boiling Point 5/28/2014

Open your eyes
And feel with your mind
Because the tension is mounting
With electricity and friction. 

Everywhere you go
And everything you hear
Is building up to something
Unpredictable and flammable. 

The match is lit
And the deeds are done
As everything comes unraveled
In a horrific frenzy. 

But not everything
That’s real
Can be seen
Or measured.

Some laugh at the dead
And ridicule the dying
Humiliating the good
Every chance they get. 

See their cold, dead reptilian eyes
Lifeless, and cruel
As they scan the crowd
Looking for something to steal
Or someone to attack.

The world is restless
And many are scared
Very well aware
That they are the hated
And the hunted.  

Blamed for every problem
And hounded into extinction
Bled out slowly
One drop at a time. 

We debase ourselves
And lay down like fish
Flopping on the deck
And chopped up at will. 

When they talk of peace
Beware of war
Because God knows man
And his hateful heart.   

But here is the secret
That many do not know
That nothing lasts forever
Not even this
And not even death.  

The thinnest veil
Is all that separates
What we see
And what is there.

All around you
And all around me
The spirits cry out
Begging us to listen. 

A flame flickers in my heart
Fueled by the spirit
That dwells within
An undeserved gift
For all who ask. 

It burns
And cannot be put out
So what threat should I fear?
And from whom does it come?

We shall ride across the sky
Without restraint or limits
With the truth on our lips
And fire in our nostrils.

All of this is over
And all of this is done
With nothing left to wait for
Except the call
And the hour. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fair Thee Well

Fair Thee Well 5/27/2014

What if you found out
That everything was a lie
And that wrong was right
And right was wrong. 

What would you think?
And what would you do?
If everything you worked for
Was gone in an hour. 

But isn’t that the truth
That no one wants to hear
That we are nothing but pawns
In someone else’s nightmare.

Raised like chickens
And fattened like calves
Socially engineered
To accept and believe.

Obedient, flexible
Foolish and fearful
We go along
To get along.

All to protect
What will never last
As our fingers turn to stone 
And crumble into dust.

I have abandoned my heart
Bruised, scarred and bleeding
Resigned to the fact
That this world is doomed
And dying. 

But if all that we know
Is nothing but an illusion
Then what is true and hidden
Must be a whole lot better.   

I am letting this go
Because my best
Will never be good enough
And all my efforts
Nothing but, an exercise.

Who came before
Will always be better
And if not for them
I would have never lived. 

I can be thankful
But also forget
Because no man can change
What we have done. 

The best words still escape
Long before
I can write them down
Coming and going in the gentle breezes
Ruffling my hair. 

But now, I can look backwards
And still crack a smile
Because now I know
That death is dead.

Come fly with me
And let us twist in a spiral
Looping up, over, and down
Again and again. 

What is coming
Will be far better
Containing all that was
Plus so much more.

Eternity has no limits
Either for love or creativity
As we leap from one idea
To another and another.