Friday, May 24, 2013

Dead Eye Blind

Dead Eye Blind 5/24/2013

It doesn’t matter
If you turn up the volume
And it doesn’t matter
If you put your hand
On the scale.

What is true is true
Where we like it or not
And what is wrong is wrong
No matter who it hurts,
Marginalizes, rejects, or murders.

The truth is
That a man is guilty
Only for what he does
And the time to feel guilty
Is when you have done wrong.

But if you have not harmed your neighbor
Then you are innocent
And only the guilty shall blame
And hate the good.

Evil men are not moved by decency
And they are not assuaged with reason
To them these are nothing
But weakness and vulnerability.

Nothing more than a crack
In the enemies defenses
To be exploited
For power and murder.

How foolish would it be
For a man to kill himself
Or allow his sworn enemies
Inside his house.

But such is the folly of man
Stupidly clinging to lies
And conventional thinking
That he never sees the truth
Barreling down the street.

Each person has a truth
One that they wished wasn’t there
But today is as good a day as any
To take it,
Acknowledge it,
And defeat it.

Without the white elephant
Life becomes a simpler thing
Without the stress of pretending
That it is not there.

The sooner you know
The better you will be
As we throw off every lie
And live as we are.

Fairlie Poplar 5/24/2013

I used to walk
The sun dappled streets
But no longer am I welcome
And no longer do I ask.

The easy smiles are gone
And so also are my companions
Through, death or betrayal
Gone and washed away.

I do not know
If they remember
And I cannot know
How they think, or feel.

But to walk the same streets
Will never be the same
As for me
They are haunted
And full of death.

Once I was full of hope
And I dared to indulge my whims
But how foolish was I
To think that I could keep
What was never mine.

If I had all that I wanted
What good would I achieve?
Doing nothing
But wanting everything.

Nothing is mine
Save for my spirit and soul
And that is what I have learned
And what I hope to keep.

That is where my ambition lies
With improving my condition
Until I get as close to as I can
To what it is, I need
And what it is, I love.

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