Thursday, May 23, 2013

In the ditch

The Roadside 5/23/2013

If I lose my head
Than I have lost nothing
But if I run in fear
Everything is over.

My eyes are opened
And I do not flinch
As I see the eyes of hatred
And the emptiness of evil.

You just never know
From where or when
The evil hand reaches out
Most likely from below
Or behind.

Striking out when you are distracted
Or shocked
But never when you are ready
And never when you are alert.

Weak men are weak in the head
Unable to adjust or grow
Born dead
And lost to God.

They love to murder
And no idea is too deceitful
Or barbaric
When the end justifies the means
And the victims are deluded.

We are caught in a perfect storm
And beset from many angles
As the weak minded plot
To render the good
Brain washed and surrounded.

But the dam is about to burst
And water is still rising
Long after someone should have noticed
And long after
Someone should have spoken.

Life can look hopeless
As the world seems to founder
And fall upside down
But even this evil
Shall end,
And all burn away.

You can’t keep your castle
Without means to defended it
And life and liberty is impossible
Without the truth.

The truth stares us, in the face
So what are we to do?
With a choice to either turn away,
Or stare it down.

But first you must acknowledge the evil
With clear eyes
Free of lies
And historical misrepresentation.

Lies are seldom persecuted
But the truth is often suppressed
Now as it always has been
The citizen’s be damned
For a few votes more.

I am human
And my heart also bleeds
But I am more than what I seem
Because God fights with me
And I can do all things.

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