Friday, May 3, 2013

Random Atrocity

Random Atrocity 5/3/2013

My tires
Have all left the pavement
And now I am suspended in air
For a fraction of a second
Hurtling through space.

The motor still strains
And the pistons surge
But my thoughts remain
Frozen in time.

It’s still okay
If you do not understand
And It’s still just as good
If it doesn’t make sense.

Not everything
Needs an explanation
And no one gets it all
On the very first day.

The pieces do not always fit
Each one in perfect place
But God will show us, the beauty
In every nick and crack.

Every day
And every dream
Builds on top of each other
And sometimes
Nothing changes at all.

But the day will come
When you will understand
In a brief shining moment
Everything will fall into place.

The first day I tried
Not much really happened
And the first time I ever believed
I was broken in two.

But every day holds a challenge
And everything adds up in the end
Because I got up and kept trying
Even though
Everything was lost.

What I have found
Is so much better
Than anything I ever had
Bringing me around full circle
To take it all back again.

There is a reason
And there is a pattern
In even the most random
And pointless of thoughts
All governed by information
Transduced by our brains.

There are greater things at play
Than anything we can imagine
And more at stake
Than anything we understand.

This life is irreplaceable
And priceless
But its value can never be understood
In the here and now.

When our eyes are opened
Then we shall know
As the light eternal shines
Through everything we were
And everything we are.

Eternity is not for all
And only the innocent may enter
But if a man can see
And it he learns
Wisdom, shall show the way.

Revealing at last
The reason we are here
And the reason we suffer
As everything falls into place
As it was meant to be.

It is true
That many have lived
And many have died
Sleeping in the dust forever
Even though they dreamed
And even though they tried.

And it is a shame
That many have given up
Curling up in their minds
And afraid of the truth.

And many also, are those
Who have turned inwards
Pulling up the black blanket
And blowing out their brains.

Now is the time
And now is the place
The greatest challenge
And the greatest honor.

But now is not the time
To hope for a rescue
Or worry about whether
Your ego will be stroked.

Now is the time
To weather the storm
As it spends its final fury
On all the good
And all the worthy.

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