Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Losing Time

Losing Time 5/28/2013

Hooray, Hooray the end is near
The end that I love
With all of my heart
Because nothing is ever new
And nothing is ever done.

A beautiful beginning
Requires a beautiful end
And with the miracle of birth
We can still have a beautiful death.

I was always loyal
More than I should have been
Never seeing what I could do
Until it was far too late.

When I met her
Anything was possible
And together
Nothing could hold us back
And the world was ours
To take and drink.

For a brief moment
I was free
And I did not have a care
Without any limits
As we flew through the air.

But I was afraid to lose
What I could barely touch
So I held on to what I could
And it will never be enough.

I clung to what I could get
But lost it all anyway
And instead of ruling the world
I was left with nothing.

I could blame others
Or I could blame myself
That I had a golden throne
That crumbled to dust.

That world has died
And I can never forget the day
When I felt the change
As everything I knew slipped away
And I was the only one left.

The world has lost its color
And now survives in muted gray
Slowing down to a standstill
Until it seems like forever.

Before is a time
Flattened onto pictures
And embedded in memories
Too far away to touch
Or hold.

I can’t go back
And the future opens wide
To swallow me up
With is great black mouth.

Colorless, hopeless
Mindless, and dead
Where everything and everyone
Is controlled and dumb.

Our minds dulled with propaganda
And our future planned
With no control of our own destiny
Of success or failure.

But even this has an end
And it cannot come soon enough
So hip, hip, hooray
For the end
The wonderful, beautiful end.

In the new age
Even the dead shall live
And the truth will be more than enough
For us to see and understand.

I will mingle with them
And they will remember me
At last to gaze
Upon each other
With knowing smiles.

Free form this world
Once it has ended
At last free of worry,
And free forever.

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