Monday, May 13, 2013


Flammable 5/13/2013

The earth is disturbed
Freshly tilled and loose
Covering over the mouths
Frozen forever in horror.

How many have fallen
Purposely murdered and molested
Attacked from behind
And below.

Some never had a chance
Unaware and unprepared
Casually walking down the street
Safe and defenseless.

Who has remembered their names
And who has wept
Not those sworn to protect
And defend.

And some have gone ahead
Without proper defenses
Sent into hell
And set up for death.

Who among us knows
What it feels like
To be betrayed and forgotten
In a long dark night of the soul.

So what of the dead
Are we to make
When even their memory
Is insulted and condemned?

Unforgiveable cruelty
And inhuman insult
The kind God will not allow
For long.

Their day will come
As the blood calls out
From the hallowed ground
Crying out for true justice
Once and for all.

We are not alone
And even silent prayers are heard
Even when it’s too late
And even when we sleep.

If you have eyes
Then you can see the flames
And even though they shout
“There is no fire!”
You know the truth
And you’ll know what to do.

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