Friday, May 10, 2013

Heads or Tails

Heads or Tails 5/10/2013

Ponder the possibilities
Of accidental fate
And think on the chances
Of all you heard
And all you know.

Can you believe
Everything you see?
And can you guess
What hasn’t happened yet?

What evil could we do
If we allow our minds to drift
Clamping down on every detail
To demean, ridicule, and injure.

To use and abuse
And increase the risk
That others may stumble and fall
Making them vulnerable
At precisely the right time.

Setting people up
For either promotion
Or for failure
And watching them every moment
For whatever may come.

Waiting for the shoe to fall
And stomp them out
Crushing their lives without a thought
And casually walking away.

Hiding behind others
And demagogic prejudice
Because no one will question
What hatred allows.

But everything that begins
Always has an end
And this is no exception
Over used and over spent.

The snake swallows its tail
And it shall choke and die
Killing itself out of ignorance
And juvenile hatred.

The other shoe will also fall
And it’s best to remember
That when you see the head
The tail shall surely follow.

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