Friday, May 17, 2013


Curvature 5/17/2013

I didn’t know
And I didn’t ask
To understand what is
And see what is not.

I have imagined more
Than anything I can do
And I have felt the tug
Of love and loss.

There is mystery and beauty
In everything and everyone
From sky above
To the deepest darkest trench.

But what have I done
With all that I have learned
And what can I say
That explains
What it means.

My life and my thoughts
Cover the earth
Taking off and landing
At random places and times.

The dimple on her thigh
And clouds passing over the moon
A red velvet couch,
And a babies smile.

What are we to make
Of the senseless loss
When we have so much to give
But never make the effort.

I know less now
Than I ever did then
Far less self-assured
Humbled and straightened.

But answers are no longer needed
When you know
Who you are
And where you are going.

There are no limits
And there is no end
Curving outwards and upwards

I will live
In black fields forever
Learning and creating
Sharing and laughing.

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