Monday, May 6, 2013

Last Night

Last Night 5/6/2013

Last night I couldn’t sleep
And tossed in my bed
Worrying about the future
And thinking about the past.

People, places and things
All come and go
But even the smallest mistake
Is remembered forever.

The ghosts still live
And all the living will die
Passing from one world
To the next
In the silence of the night.

I can still feel her breath
Hot on my ear
And the sweet lies of intimacy
Calling me backwards
All over again.

I can lose the car keys
But never the disappointments
And I can survive the wounds
But never forget
The who, where, and why.

Some times its hard
To even know
What to ask
And that is when
I ask to see
And understand.

Nobody knows what it’s like
To live another man's life
And no one will ever know
The content of our soul.

From the far distances of space
To the atoms and the cells
Piece by piece
And block by block.

We can study and we can inspect
But we will never know
All the secrets of the soul
Elusive and ethereal
Like bits of stardust
Swirling in space.

We can capture an image
In silver gelatin
But only God can understand
What it is
That we missed.

There is no other like me
And there is no other like you
But words can never describe
All that occurs
Inside our souls.

But the greatest loss
Is the present
As we forget what matters
And day dream away.

Love is here
And it remains
No matter how much we lose
And no matter how far
We have fallen.

Right now in front of us
Are the many
Going through the motions
In another mindless day.

Moving their hands
And shuffling their feet
Eating, drinking, and breathing
Though another precious hour.

We can capture an instant
And freeze it forever
But we are more than one dimension
And what we are
Cannot be defined.

Thousands of years have passed
Since we first knew
But still we wander
And still we doubt.

The salt on my skin
Is the same
And the tissues react
Just like before.

But we were meant
To be something else
Uncorrupted by decay
And death.

There are so many
I wish I could touch
And I wish I could hold
But time is slippery
And time is gone.

Who was awake that night
The night that the abandoned died
Murdered, defiled and drug around
While others slept
And others lied.

Cowards will stab you in the back
And laugh as you bleed
Taking everything you cared for
And running away.

Without a thought
And without hesitation
Remorseless, cruel,
Indifferent and dead.

It’s time to throw off the covers
And rise out of bed
Even though we weep for the future
And mourn for the dead.

Pull back the curtains
And throw open the sash
Letting the light
Shine through the darkness
So that all doubt is lifted
By the truth outright.

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