Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Golden 5/14/2013

I can shake my head
And I can roll my eyes
But nothing every changes
And it’s always the same.

Evil men get what they want
And punish the good
Every chance they get
Never missing an opportunity
To take everything they can.

It is so strange
And so foreign
That we never know what to say
And that they never rest
Until they steal something more.

Conniving behind the scenes
And chatting up the boss
Anything to cut you off
And take your place.

Lying and stealing
Just to take whatever is left
And no one ever does a thing
To stop them in their tracks.

Giving in and giving up
To Take the path of least resistance
Rolling over and under
Out of convenience
And politics.

I don’t know how they live
And I don’t know how they sleep
Knowing all they have done
And knowing what they stole.

But how could I ever know
What lurks in the hearts of men?
If they have no conscience
And if they have no soul.

One dimensional dumb and dead
They are the hollow and the vacant
Just as shallow as they are selfish
And just as wasted
As they are cruel.

Only God keeps me alive
Against the cruelty of others
As they cart away
All I ever cared about
And all I ever loved.

I hope they reap a harvest
Half as empty as mine
And gorge themselves on the dust
Blowing across the plains.

I watch them walk around
All proud and self assured
While I choked down my tears
Of shame and want.

But there are things
That have no answer
And it’s useless to guess
Why others
Do what they do.

Because God only knows
If I am worthy
And God only knows
What others may see.

And should we mourn
For a world tipped over?
Where evil is called Good
And good called evil.

This is their reward
And this is their food
As we wait for what is better
And what shall feed us

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