Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Cutting the Cord

Cutting the Cord 5/8/2013

Everybody likes to chat
And lots of people like to argue
But it’s nothing more than a distraction
As we whistle past the graveyard
On our way to the end.

Gallows humor is the symptom
And I know what it feels like
As we laugh through our teeth
And shiver from the cold.

Something has changed
The clouds have blocked the sun
Dark, threatening, and ominous
As they move swiftly
Across the sky.

Animals can sense the danger
And they all run away
Scampering away
To look for higher ground.

It is the stragglers who die
Because they are weak
Or undefended
Too sick to keep up
With the rest of the herd.

But we wait
Attached to the chain
Tethered to normalcy
And all that we know.

Just because we are here
We think
We will last forever
Grown accustomed to safety
And fattened with food.

But we are nothing
But gnats on a giant
Living off the work of others
Long dead and gone.

Survival takes effort
And it takes not only wisdom
But the courage to act
And take chances.

The echoes are all around us
As we thrash in the thicket
Unaware of what it took
To be who we are
Or ever did
To get here.

The cat crouches
And fixes his gaze
Ready to take his chance
To leap and strike.

Because you love
You must make the choice
To go back for the rest
Or maybe save yourselves.

The good should not worry
What others may think
But instead they should act
Before the deed is done.

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