Monday, May 20, 2013

One in the Hand

One in the hand 5/20/2013

Some men come from mud
And some men come from stars
But mine is the secret
Running in my veins.

I am a stranger who doesn’t belong
Always different
And always alone
Even when I laugh
And even when I hold.

We are made
And we are molded
Fired, scorched and frozen
But still unfinished
And still undone.

My flesh means nothing
But it holds my soul
Transducing my spirit
A lot more than some
Dumb and dead.

I wait
And I accept
Longing to return
To where I belong.

Don’t look now
Because the future is here
When he comes for us
And judges you.

There is no use in lying
And there is no hope for words
Because time has passed us by
And they cannot see the truth.

The sands dwindle and fall
Slipping through a tiny space
Flowing forever downward
And gone.

But pride is a horrible thing
And you can see it
At work in the dumb
Clouding their thoughts
And blinding their eyes.

Open up the sky
And let the fire come down
Because I have seen
And I am not afraid.

The spark has never died
But is alive in us
Bursting forth in a babies smile
And in our wakeful dreams.

My heart races
And my skin tingles
Each and every hair standing on end
Knowing that he is coming
And knowing that he is near.

We are loved
And this is real
As God reaches backwards
To hold us
In his hand.

Death has no teeth
And evil has no hope
Because we have already won
Content to wait
And reap.

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