Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Getting a grip

In the grip 5/22/2013

Drip, drip, drip
The leaky Faucet cries
Forever and ever
Second by second
And drop by drop.

Beneath our feet
The termites scurry
Eating out the house
Right under our nose.

Someone left the backdoor open
And nobody noticed the change
Sneaking up behind us
And grabbing our throat.

The victim can thrash
All that he wants
But murderers grip is strong and sure
Cutting off the blood
And cutting off the air.

Blackness comes
And kills the brain
As the body fades
And falls to the floor.

After its over
People will point
But the complicit will argue
That it's too late.

They are just as guilty
And they are just as cruel
Knowing what will happen
In the fullness of time.

The future is cruel
And merciless
As the forgotten
Become the hated
And are hounded
To death.

Everything happens for a reason
And the enemy of their enemy
Shall always be their friend
Stacking the deck
And increasing the odds.

It’s getting late
And it’s getting cold
As the truth is targeted
And murder ignored.

The push is on
And it will never end
As at each and every hiccup
They just tighten their grip.

It’s now or never
Before our lights go out
Because it’s not a question of, if
It’s only a question
Of when.

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