Thursday, February 28, 2013


Corkscrewed 2/28/2013

The hangover stays with you
Long after the drunk is gone
Like a heavy wet blanket
Wrapped around your head.

The sunlight hurts
And your mouth is dry
But if you stay drunk
You never feel a thing.

The sting of life hurts
And it can bring you down
Like a diamond bullet
Straight through the heart.

Nothing is ever simple
And nothing is ever clear
But in the end
If you are wise
You have seen it all.

There is nothing unique
About power and control
Except for the artificial elite
Who are not elite at all.

And there is nothing dumber
Than a man who thinks he is smart
Using dumb luck for advantage
To ridicule and mock.

They walk around like peacocks
All flash and no heart
Just a loser in a suit
Petty and small.

They see us as obstacles
And they see us as pawns
To be played against each other
To get what they want.

They cause the problems
And then hide the truth
As we all corkscrew downward
Into hades.

The mobs shall come
But only to punish the good
Too dumb to challenge
All that they are taught.

Drugs and booze will wear off
And leave us with the mess
But no one can change
All that we have lost.

While we laughed
They stole the money
And while we slept
They sold off the goods.

The alcohol oozed out of my pores
And purged away the haze
Long enough to wake up
And see all the horror.

It is never too late
To do what must be done
As long as we are alive
And know
What is right.

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