Monday, February 11, 2013

Circle Circle

Circle Circle 2/11/2013

I am torn open
And my guts are hanging out
But you don’t have to read my intestines
To know what is coming.

Today we are strong
And we can do what we want
But time is stronger than us
And waits for no one.

Life runs along a circle
And loops back on itself
Forming a three dimensional ball
Futile and Translucent.

We get what we give
In the long way around
Sucked along by gravity
Up, over, and backwards.

We run as fast as we can
But all we make is a spiral
As we run out of options
And all out of gas.

You can do what you want
And you can ask
For what you will
But in the end
There are no secrets
Or excuses.

There is nothing like the feeling
Of knowing that you tried
Lifting with all your strength
Day after day.

Facing the tests of life
Obstacles and all
Going over, under, and around
Every time you could.

But if you have gained wisdom
Then you should know
When to charge straight through
Living like you mean it
With all of your might.

Some people fail
Because they do not know
Running around in the dark
And blind as a bat.

And some have to suffer
Before they learn a thing
Because there is nothing like the hard way
To tell you,
Who you are.

All men face dishonor
But only the weak
Succumb to murder
And hatred.

They wear a dull mask
Of arrogance and vanity
With dead yellow eyes
Glazed and bloodshot.

But here I am
And here we are
Unafraid to bust on through
And see
How we are made.

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