Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Free 2/27/2013

We are not the same
And who would want to be?
Even though we are all mashed together
And stuffed into holes.

Our bodies are but a vehicle
That our souls drive around
As long as we can
And then leaving them to rust
After we are gone.

At night I lay in bed
And let my spirit run
Rising upwards, above my house
And going home.

Alone in the cold blackness
Far above the streets
In absolute silence
Where everything is clear.

The stars shine like diamonds
Strewn across black velvet
And I can see for miles
In every direction.

The world may fall apart
But nothing lasts forever
As we live through one level
And get to taste another.

We are free
To go where we want
Turning and diving
Where we never went before.

The trees are silent
And the houses rot
Water and wood
Brick and stone.

We can go and see
Where the moss grows
And the winds howl
Calling out our names
We wrote in the sky.

If we opened our eyes
Then we could see
Riding on the wings of the Valkyries
On our way to Valhalla.

The world wants us to follow
And the world wants us to conform
Caring more how we look
Than what we think.

But there are bigger things
Than what we are told
And they are bigger dreams
Inside of our souls.

Free to create
And free to express
Whatever vision we can hold
Limitless, beautiful
Explosive and bold.

We were made for each other
Each a part
In the greatest plan
to love and share
Bigger than we are.

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