Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Crash Landing

Crash Landing 2/26/2013

If this be the end
Then let it come
And let it bleed
Burning away all that I was
Dumb and wasted.

Shattered into a thousand pieces
And flying in all directions
As I walk away
Laughing and free.

When the worst has happened
Then you know
That there is nothing to fear
Except the numbness.

The colors are still beautiful
And love still blooms
Even if you lose
You get up
And try again.

Ready to stand
At full height
And trade punches
With whatever may come.

The world is falling apart
And cities burn with violence
But I can remain changeless
Undefeated and defiant.

Others can control my income
And they can call me what they want
But they cannot change the truth
About who we are
And where we are going.

Let them go ahead and pretend
And let them analyze and judge
Trapped by their won fear
Limited and dumb.

They can have their endless mediocrity
But I’ll take my chances
To take back what I lost
And make it new again.

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