Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Razor 2/19/2013

A star has fallen
And streaked across the sky
Falling in my soup
Bloody and bitter.

I have not given up
But I have hedged my bets
Withdrawing inside of myself
To save what I have left.

I stuck out my neck
And did what I thought was right
Losing my life
And losing my head.

But I am nothing
But a dirty rag
Thrown away
And rotting in the sun.

What others have built
Is riddled with termites
Eating away, unseen
Both night and day.

And it doesn’t take much
To bring it all down
Crashing all around us
And on top of our heads.

We were not looking
And we never had a plan
Unable and unwilling
To stand or fall.

So now we sit
And lament the tide
Pushing us away
And pulling us under.

No enemy can defeat
The diligent and strong
But who can prepare
For a friend with a knife.

Ingratiating himself
With lies and deceit
Just to place himself
Close enough to kill.

There is no need to transform
What it is that you love
And only a man of hatred
Would sabotage the innocent.

Come what may
The end always comes
No matter how venomous
Even hatred shall die.

It must get worse
Before it gets better
And darkness prevails
Just before dawn.

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