Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Slingshot 2/20/2013

The skull flag is raised
But no one seems to notice
Dripping with hatred
Right above our heads.

It has happened before
But how many would believe it
Slowly but surely
One inch at a time.

Words are only words
But they always come first
Just to test the waters
And to see
What we will do.

Quickly followed with rules
And regulations
Designed by the venal men
Small minded and dumb.

Then comes the corruption
And low-level violence
But it is all brushed aside
By the compliant
And the ambitious.

The guilty praised
And the innocent ridiculed
Singled out for inspection
At every step of the way.

The odds are stacked
And the rules are rigged
So that some succeed
And others fail.

Harassment becomes persecution
And the truth is suppressed
As the hated become the targets
Of desensitized morality.

Rendered irrelevant by corruption
And engineered into submission
Unable to defend
Their children or their homes.

They become the targets
Of the evil and the corrupt
Out to silence the truth
And manipulate the outcome.

Arrogant and envious
They dream of control
Without any conscience
And without any soul.

Are you the hated?
Or is it someone you love?
Because we are not the first
But we may be the last.

I have seen my sons face
On a target
And I have seen my father’s to
But they never hurt anyone
And neither have you.

The writing is on the wall
But should we be surprised
Because this is what they saw
So very long ago.

We forgot what mattered
And we dared not
Defend the truth
Even when we suffered
And even when we
Were robbed.

When you see the long knife
And the glass on the ground
Then you shall see the future
In a tsunami of death.

Remember the good
And remember the truth
As valuable as it is rare
And more lasting that gold.

This world is corrupted
And rotten to the core
But he who stands the test now
Shall remember forever.

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