Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Silent Blue

Silent Blue 2/13/2013

There has been more than one
Go down in the drink
Dropped alone in the ocean
To flounder
And sink.

I also know the feeling
And the horror when you know
That no one can hear you
Small and insignificant
In the middle of the blue.

Everybody clings to something
So what is it
That you crave?
Somebody or something
Wasted in a grave.

There is no rest for the foolish
And ignorance is no longer an excuse
Not as long as the truth is burning
In the middle of my dreams.

Every single one of us
Must face death in the eye
Even though we run
And even though we cry.

Cutting us all off
At head level
To separate the body
From the soul.

Others have seen the truth
But that are not here to speak
Taking the truth with them
From this
To the next.

They also had families
And they also had a job
A precious treasure
They did not want to lose.

What would any man do
When he looked at his kids
Knowing that they would suffer
If he ever spoke the truth.

We hold on tightly
To careers and reputation
When none of it matters
And all of it is dead.

Some buy up metals
Like gold and silver
Hedging their bets on disaster
And looking the other way.

Rules are followed by some
But for others they do not apply
So what are we to say?
And what are we to do?

If I rob the good
What have I done?
Except to empower
The selfish, corrupt,
Viscious, and dumb.

Defenseless and forgotten
Unremembered and despised
Blamed for every problem
And mocked every day.

Be not silent
But realize the truth
Hiding your value
And planning for tomorrow.

Opt out
And do not feed the beast
Eating everything it sees
Without conscience or thought.

Crushing the many under its wheels
And sliding on the blood
The merciless beast of many
Crushing individual rebels
Divided and dead.

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