Thursday, February 7, 2013

Full Immersion

Full Immersion 2/7/2013

Who can say
And who can guess
Why we chose
To live and die.

Offered up
On the altar of man
With our hearts torn out
Young, dumb and naked.

Ill prepared and misled
We skip down the yellow brick road
On our way to a place
That is nothing but a lie.

Some never make it
And some walk until the end
Striving against each other
Just to say that they won.

I was born
In the path of the storm
Violently picked up
And flung far away.

Thrown into the deep end
With ever larger challenges
As I floundered in the water
Up over my head.

We must learn or sink
As spirits attached to a body
Coming from a place
None of us remember.

We can grow
Or we can stay the same
Relying on cunning or guile
To score a point
Or win the game.

But life is not a game
And neither is the end
Falling backwards through space
Back to where
We always belonged.

It is not enough to finish
And there can be no winner
But rather it is the how
And the why.

Who do we go for?
And what is it?
That keeps us going
Even when we hurt
And even when we tire.

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