Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Cipher 2/12/2013

Some people love to hide
And tuck their head down
To keep out of view
Behind a mothers apron
Or behind a heavy robe.

Our thoughts are not their thoughts
And their plans are not mine
Counting down the days
From the beginning to the end.

Some men look at the stars
To plan a missile launch
Naming them after gods long dead
In the pantheon of Rome.

Dreams are dreams
And stranger things have happened
Deep down beneath our feet
People experiment
And change.

What comes first
The prophecy or the future?
And how do we know the truth?
When everything is a lie.

We are living out a reality
Trapped inside a game
With every action recorded
Inside of our soul.

All the things we work for
Have no meaning at all
Nothing but a great distraction
To keep us dumb
And dull.

If I could go back
How different would I be?
Because now that I know
I have dangerous thoughts
In a dangerous mind.

Because what is safety?
And what is a promise?
After you have lived
And after that, you know.

Nothing but the thinnest of veneers
Separates civilization and barbarism
Closer than we think
And closing in fast.

Rome is sacked
From the inside out
As the hordes run wild
To rape and murder.

In space the lights are blinking
But in my head
My thoughts are connecting
Staggering under the weight
Of the truth and the horror.

One can lead the many
And the many
Care only for themselves
Each one a vacuum
Inside a cipher
Wasted, dumb and dead.

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