Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Alien Creed

The Alien Creed 2/6/2013

You can take it
Or you can leave it
Embrace it
Or kill it.

But it is
What it is
A dying world
Killing itself.

We don’t belong here
And who would want to?
An empty vacumm
In the middle of space.

Inhabited by animals
That butcher and breed
Worshipping other men
And temporary wealth.

They struggle and clamor
And fling themselves
Against reality
Always enslaved
By their own ignorance.

Repeating the same mistakes
Over and over again
Never learning
Or growing.

Shallow and foolish
More a parasite
Than a man
Building himself up
Just to tear it down again.

But I was born
With a secret longing
A desire to understand
And dissect.

Uncomfortable and lonely
Even in a crowded room
Always searching to find
A heart where I belonged.

But I am not alone
And many have felt the same
The discomfort of dipping
Our toes
In a one dimensional world.

Devoid of spirit
Contrived and fake
Nothing but a maze of passages
With nothing at the end.

But I don’t plan on staying
And just faking another smile
Wasting my life
And wasting my time.

We are here
But this will never be home
Not until we become
What we were made to be.

Fully awake
And fully alive
Free of the heaviness
Of guilt and regret.

In a community of spirits
And like minded souls
With no limits on time
Or distance.

Free to explore
And free to express
Unlimited, unfettered,
Beautiful and pure.

Among the stars
Above and below
Stretching endlessly away
But close enough to touch.

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