Friday, February 15, 2013

Fish Eyes

Fish Eyes 2/15/2013

You know something is wrong
And you know something has changed
When blood tastes like gravy
And you hang your head in shame.

When you fall into the great wide open
And don’t care where you land
Because even pain is better than nothing
And there is nothing left to lose.

There is music playing in my head
Sometimes its Mozart
And sometimes it Iggy Pop
But never something that’s popular
Or topping the charts.

There is no point in playing charades
When the sky is falling
And there is no need to say I am sorry
If I didn’t do a thing.

It is okay to be different
And it is okay to be me
And defiant until the end.

Everyone gets old
Unless they die young
But there are things
That are not up to me
Like how where or when
I will get out of here.

If you know, you need help
Then you have made a change
But it’s those who think they are fine
That drive me insane.

I am not the same man
That I used to be
But no one ever grows
Without losing who they were.

My eyes were opened
And now I can’t look away
Never again as oblivious
And never again as blind.

One flame was extinguished
But another has taken its place
And now I burn brighter
Than I ever did before.

You might ask me
What it is that I think
But it took a long time to know
That all I needed was to ask.

Every day we make choices
And every day we learn again
But even doing nothing has consequences
Even if you’re wide awake.

What was meant to kill
Can awaken the blackest heart
And what was meant to break
Can show us
What is dead, and fake.

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