Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Regulator

The Regulator 2/5/2013

The train wreck has left the station
And the horse is out of the barn
But I don’t know why I am here
And who am I to judge
Why I was born.

Some people live by the book
And follow every rule
Without exception or waiver
Rigid and controlled.

Establishing boundaries
For people they never met
And issuing guidelines
For things they never did.

Others think of themselves
And use anything or anyone
Just to get what they want
And take what they will.

But most of us
Just huddle and hide
Protecting what we have
And pretending it’s okay.

Guaranteed to follow orders
And do what we must
Just to save our pay check
And just save our face.

But only a few ever bother
To look deep into their soul
Plumbing the depths of reason
And strive for the truth.

But not everything that is written
Means that it is good
And neither are the powerful
Immune to corruption.

He who attempts to do what is right
Must face this truth
That he will suffer
And he will pay.

But blessed his he
That uncovers the truth
Exposing it for everyone
And standing by his words.

Deep down
Under the earth
And at the bottom of the sea
Decomposing remains
Of what we used to be.

But even the blackest abyss
Cannot hold truth forever
And the good shall not be silenced
By the crude and the crass.

Open up your eyes
To see what you must
Because the truth is here
And courageous love
Can conquer the world.

Summon up the courage
To tell it like it is
Even if it hurts
And even if you lose.

For the first shall be a criminal
But those that follow
Will be heroes
None greater than the first
Ghost from the dead.

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