Thursday, February 14, 2013


Looped 2/14/2013

I should have known
That karma is a circle
Looping backwards
Over our heads
To stab us, in the back.

Nothing can compare
To opening up your eyes
Never missing an opportunity
To learn the truth
And force yourself to change.

Look at the children
And think about their lives
About what they will see
And how they will survive.

I want them to be happy
And enjoy all that there is
But I know where it leads
And it always leads to death.

There is more than one
Way to die
And the flesh is different
Than the spirit.

To die in the body
Is not the end
But to die spiritually
Is forever.

I want them to know
That there is nothing better
Than peaceful contentment
And that there is nothing richer
Than loving what you have.

That one thing leads to another
And when in doubt
To do what is right
Even if it hurts
And even if you lose.

That it is better to be think
Then it is to act
And its better to be careful
Than it is to relax.

To follow your instincts
Even if it disappoints others
And to never let emotions
Rule your life.

My daughter is young
And my son is still a baby
But I hope for them
To live more wisely
Than what I have lived
And what I have done.

All roads lead to somewhere
But not all, lead to God
Smooth, paved and wide
And leading straight into hell.

At first we think its great
As we step out of the light
Venturing past the signs
That warn us of the past.

But with each day
Comes a reasoning
And with each step
Comes a price.

By the time we awaken
We have already gone too far
In a deep dark cave
And running out of air.

Trapped in a prison
Of our own selfish construction
And unable to escape
Without suffering and death.

My life split into two
And one half was murdered
But nothing ever changes
If we never learn.

I cannot speak for others
And they cannot speak for me
But none of it matters
If we forget who we are.

I thought that I was safe
But I never really was
Walking on ice
Slippery and thin.

They say that everything happens
For a reason
And maybe sometimes it’s true
But what good is punishment
If we never understand.

I have come to know
And I have opened up my eyes
To stare dead level across
Into the gaping maw.

Sucking me in
Just like a man on a ledge
Like so many before
And so many since.

There is good
And there is evil
Unchangeable and fixed
And it doesn’t matter what we think
Or what we argue.

In the end
One path leads to contentment
And the other off the ledge
The decision that all must make
Aware or unaware.

Take the first
If not for you
Then for others
Either for yours or for mine
Or those unborn.

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