Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Spider Web

 Spider web                                                         2/9/2016

The moment you see
Everything will change
Each and every nuance
Fresh, new, and clear. 

The fire comes down
And kindles the flame
But once it starts to burn
We are never the same. 

The truth stands
Changeless and absolute
Revealing every manipulation
That explains everything.

The day we find out
That it was a lie
Is the day we start to question
Everything we knew.

Liars will lie
Not only now
But about anything
And anytime. 

Going backwards
You can trace the line
Across the decades
And centuries
Of savagery and deceit.

The second verse
Is the same as the first
Trapped into a loop
Of tangled purposes
And greed.

Back then it was easy
And back then
We did not know
Deluded by the powers
We did not even know. 

The scales start to fall
As we peer into the past
Sorting out what we wished
And what is real. 

I had to let go
In order to grasp
And I had to scour my soul
To learn
And grow. 

You can punch at the water
And do what you feel
But if you never learn
That is all, you will do. 

Here we are
Just like yesterday
Waiting for something
We cannot define
Or understand. 

We cling to the safety
Of all that we believed
Picking at sand in the carpet
While the world cuts us down
One by one. 

Another is dead today
But you will not know their name
Forgotten but to God
And those with the courage
To seek and stand. 

All the lies
Will fall away
But it’s better to know it now
Than after the end. 

It’s okay to be wrong
And there is no need to explain
Because we only saw a little
Shrouded in the shadows. 

When it is obvious
It will be too late
Leaving many to wail
Dead on their knees.    

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