Tuesday, February 2, 2016

American Schemers

American Schemers                           2/2/2016

Look into the mirror
And see 
Who is hated
The first and primary cause
For everything you see. 

Cain murdered Abel
As evil savaged the good
Jealous of their love
And noble beauty.

You can turn your head
From right to left
Or left to right
But you had better look ahead
To see where it ends.

Meandering through the landscape
The water cuts the earth
As you follow the logic
Of incremental suicide. 

Rushing downward comes the flood
Destroying everything
Trapped in its path
Carried away in an instant
Life, limb, and love.

Downriver in the mud
It is too late to act
Because that is where
You find the bodies
Broken, battered, and buried. 

See the loss
Catastrophic and complete
As many yet unborn
Are surrounded and attacked.

Long ago
We should have seen it coming
But we have always been blind
Always following charlatans 
Selling snake oil.  

It is not what we say
It is what we do
And that is where the secrets are kept
Behind closed doors. 

The money is shared
And the spoils are given
All to keep it flowing
While we, pay the price.

Should have learned the first time
But here we go again
Still believing liars
With blood on their hands. 

Our lives don’t mean a thing
As long as they are covered
As we gobble up
The propaganda
Funneled down our throat.

Convenient for now
But expendable tomorrow
The middle class life
We all used to know.

Replaced and forgotten
Blamed and assaulted
Our values perverted
To drown us dead.

Go ahead and preach it
Go ahead and lie
Just another day
Up and over
Dead and dumb. 

The beasts cry out
And beat their chests
Howling, and grunting
For more and more.

Dragging the dead
As they crouch in the bush
Waiting for another dead duck
To whistle in the dust. 

Slowly we inch
To the same old mistake
With everything to lose
And everything to gain. 

If we loved
Then we must think
And if we think
We must be courageous
If not for us
Then do it for them. 

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