Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Down and Out

Down and Out          2/9/2016

The snowflakes dance
Outside my window
Swirling in the wind
Cold, alien and remote.

Black birds in a white sky
Like so many days before
Circling overhead
As we wobble below. 

It is easy to be sad
But it is hard to smile
As I remember all that was
Long gone away. 

I was so full of life
And every moment
Was filled with electricity
But once the shock was over
I had nothing left to give. 

My heart is frozen in time
And my head cannot forget
Even under a warm blanket
My eyes are as cold as ice.

My body was served up
Split, stuffed and roasted
Limp and unconscious
Stuck, used and dumb. 

Cooked in my juice
I had to watch it from afar
The clinking glasses
And champagne fountains.

They made me wear antlers
And then they mocked my corpse
Eyes rolled up
Face down and out.

But even they know now
That man is more than flesh
A spirit and a soul
Attached through the head. 

What was lost
Comes again
And now I have awakened
My eyes blazing with fire
Dead level ahead. 

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